Newsletter APPN March 2024

The Pilots APPN population in 2023 The most striking fact about the Pilots APPN population is that, since the end of COVID, there has been a significant annual increase in membership. In fact, in 2023, we recorded 1,428 new memberships, which represents an increase of almost [...].
Newsletter APPN January 2023

The 2022 elections of the Board of Directors ofAPPN During the month of December 2022 a new Board of Directors has been set up, it is composed of the following 15 directors: BARBARY Patrick - CDB - SNPL BARBER Jean-Louis - CDB - SNPL DAMON Véronique - CDB - SNPL DE TEISSIERES Christophe - CDB [...]
Newsletter APPN June 2022

The Covid effects The year 2020 was difficult because of the Covid, but since 2021 the number of members ofAPPN has been increasing strongly again. We now have just over 16,000 members on the individual contract. In 2021, the number of Loss Of Licence Definitive (Definitive Loss Of Licence) was very high. Indeed, we [...]
Newsletter APPN January 2022

Results 2021: In terms of claims, the year 2021 will certainly see an increase in Definitive Loss Of Licence. Indeed, the number of Definitive Loss Of Licence will be around 55 under the individual contract. This means that the result of licence losses with our insurer, MACIF, will be a loss. A first in the history of [...]
Newsletter APPN November 2021

From 1 October 2021: The Loss Of Licence Temporary Guarantee has been reintroduced. Contact us to benefit from it.
Newsletter APPN September 2021

COVID activity 2020 / 2021: In 2020,APPN insurance contributions decreased by 5.5% due to the COVID crisis. At the end of 2020 and beginning of 2021, the administrative department ofAPPN had to make more than 10,000 contract changes to allow members to upgrade their cover [...].
Newsletter APPN February 2019

Temprary Loss Of Licence In three years (2017/2018/2019),APPN claims have increased from 6.2 to 8.3 million euros, i.e. an increase of 34%. Over the same period, the number of active insured persons has increased from 10,200 to 13,000, i.e. an increase of 26%. We note that this development is largely due to the fact that the [...]
Newsletter APPN May 2017

TheAPPN newsletter We'd like to keep you informed, via theAPPN newsletter, of changes and highlights concerning our association. In particular, we'll be reporting on developments in our insurance policies. 2016 results In 2016,APPN paid out 15.3 million euros in compensation to its members: 6 Life representing [...]