APPN Insurances for Pilots by Pilots

Newsletter APPN March 2024

The population of APPN Pilots in 2023

The most striking fact about the APPN pilots population is that, since the end of COVID, it has continued to grow significantly each year.

In fact, in 2023, we recorded 1,428 new memberships, which represents an increase of almost 1,000 members a year, taking departures into account. As a result, our membership now stands at over 22,000.

The APPN organization

In the course of 2023, a great deal of work was carried out to bring APPN 's procedures into line with European and ACPR regulations.

Numerous exchanges took place with the three insurers. In addition, several audits were carried out by MACIF and GENERALI during the year.

AXA regularly asks us to tighten up our operating rules to comply with LCBFT regulations.

This represents a considerable amount of work for the management of APPN , who, given to the size of the association, have a workload corresponding to a large company.

Changes in mandatory contracts in 2023

A number of mandatory contracts were drawn up at the end of 2023. AIR CORSICA and CMA CGM signed contracts for Definitive Loss Of Licence and Temprary Loss Of Licence , which came into force on February 2024.

The results of the contract with HOP AIR FRANCE are improving. 

The business of APPN INTERNATIONAL (with 5 French companies) is becoming significantly positive for MACIF.

Sales actions in 2023

In 2023, the number of school visits was high, and many trainees signed up. However, 2023 was marked by the disappearance of the AIRWAYS school in Agen, France.

Numerous agreements are in preparation with foreign unions (ACA, BA...).

The launch of the new APPN website has led to a significant increase in the number of monthly visits.

The results 2023

The 2023 accounts are very positive. In fact, the significant drop in claims (-15%) and the increase in contributions (+8%), due to the greater number of members, enabled us to end 2023 with a surplus.

All three insurers paid substantial rebates on all 3 types of contract (Temprary Loss Of Licence, Definitive Loss Of Licence and Life).

This has enabled the Board of Directors to decide on the payment of a members rebate of 2 monthly premium, i.e. 16.6% of annual premium, for the 2023 financial year.

It should be noted that provisions and other insurance reserves are at a high level. These will be used in the event of a bad year with a higher number of lost licenses.

In addition, favorable financial markets enabled us to significantly reduce provisions for loss-making.

The 2024 outlook

It seems that Definitive Loss Of Licence claims are increasing at the start of 2024, but within reasonable limits. Premiums continue to rise in line with membership growth.

The year 2024 will mark the end of work on compliance.

Bureau will try to find a more flexible way of operating in 2024 by considering the hiring of a second Pilot who has lost his license.

The association is also looking to hire several managers and accountants, but the job market is difficult.

Captain Daniel RIBOUD, General Secretary of the APPN